By Jcmhill
We bought a beautiful blue hydrangea about 4 weeks ago and already it is showing signs of turning pink. With what can we feed it to keep the lovely blue colour please?
14 Aug, 2011
You don,t say whether it is still in a pot or if you,ve planted it out, if it,s planted out then you must have alkaline soil, which will make the flowers pink, give it a feed of either sequestrine, or aluminium sulphate, and the flowers should turn blue again, you will have to do this annually to keep the flowers blue. derekm
14 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Hi I purchased a blue one from my local garden centre and it started turning pink but i then went back and bought some hydrengea blue colour pellets that you scatter around base and water in and it has come back blue
14 Aug, 2011