By Nariz
Hi all! Just noticed this pelargonium and realised that the new opening buds are very UNlike the original bloom. This is the same plant. What's going on?
- 15 Aug, 2011
You may have a small plant growing in the same pot as the big one, and its a slightly different variety??
15 Aug, 2011
No, Pam - it's the same plant. I just checked the surrounding plants and found that I have an ivy-leaved pelargonium nearby which is a darker shade of red - maybe cross-pollination? Or, as Drc says, damaged.
15 Aug, 2011
Yea, that could be it then :)
15 Aug, 2011
the cross pollination would only affect the out come of the flowers from any seed made. The amount of water and temperature can influnce the colour and form of the flower. others will be more 'normal'.
15 Aug, 2011
I notice that some of the leaves in the vicinity of the weird flower are different than the others--less conspicuous zones--so I would expect another plant in the pot. Sometimes you have to look very closely at the base, moving aside the lower leaves.
16 Aug, 2011
Thanks, but there is only one plant in the pot - I have already carefully checked for the obvious. We have had blistering temperatures followed by a cooler week, then high temps again - perhaps Seaburngirl is correct?
16 Aug, 2011
My guess would be it is just a damaged one Nariz and the next one will be back to normal
15 Aug, 2011