By Copperbirch
United Kingdom
When do you pick bramley apples?
17 Aug, 2011
September 3rd week in the south west,maybe later further north. You can tel iff they are ready by the size/ clolour starts to fade from dark green to lighter green, and if you lift one so that the apple is above where it joins the branch and it comes off in your hand it's ready! If not wait a bit longer. You will have plenty of warning too as the first and damaged ones will fall.
17 Aug, 2011
Not yet, I would say another few weeks yet, they will have a blush red colour on them by September ish. and then if you twist them gently they should come away in your hand, they will keep all winter in a dry shed of garage which is where we keep ours, great for cooking during the dark winter months.
17 Aug, 2011