By Wilma59
United Kingdom
what shrubs are good for my border
18 Aug, 2011
Agree with all questions Moon grower above has raised - need to know where you are, and which way the border faces (whether it gets sun, no sun, freezing winds, etc)
19 Aug, 2011
i live in scotland uk south facing not much sun plenty rain
22 Aug, 2011
Wilma can you narrow down where you live a little more Scotland is a large country! I live near the coast in Moray and what I can grow is entirely different from what someone thirty miles inland can grow. We want to help but we need more information. Please answer the questions both Bamboo and I asked you as fully as you are able to then, and only then, can we help you.
23 Aug, 2011
Hi Wilma and welcome to GoY. Could you amplify your question please. We need to know where you are in the country, what aspect your border has, what sort of soil and - most importantly -what sort of plants/shrubs you like. I could give you a long list only to discover you are at 300 metres in the Lake District with a northern exposure.
Just edit your question to include more info. and edit your info to say where you live in the UK.
18 Aug, 2011