By Beaminster
United Kingdom
I am looking for low maintenance plants for my front garden border. It is in full sun (when we get any) and reasonably well drained soil. I was thinking of selection of grasses and salvias, but I am not sure if it will work. There is a mess at the moment with some potentilas, achilles (need transplantig because are spreading to much and invating shrubs) and geraniums (they doing well). Any sugestions? I am prepared to dig everything up and start again.
18 Aug, 2011
When you say well-drained and full sun, you could plant mediterranean plants like Cistus, Rosemary, Lavender, Santolina, Phlomis, and yes, some grasses. Salvias would do well there too.
Have a browse and see what takes your fancy - and colours that you like, as well.
18 Aug, 2011
I was going to suggest a row of lavender, which will bush out and be great for visiting bees also easy to manage and smell delicious.
18 Aug, 2011
Hello Beaminster and welcome to GOY. You might like to look at pages on Goypeadia full of photos for you to ponder over? Pages on Grasses, Salvias, front garden ideas, Low maintenance gardens etc. Go to the bottom of the page click on a letter and then select a subject to view them.
18 Aug, 2011