Mussaendra mutabilis cuttings
By Terrace
Can cuttings be struck. Terry
On plant
Mussaendra mutabilis
13 Feb, 2009
By Terrace
Can cuttings be struck. Terry
On plant
Mussaendra mutabilis
Wow we are getting questions on some unusual plants. Lol. Can't find anything anywhere on Mussaendra mutabilis propagation Terry so I did some look ups on what it is.
Apparently it is a member of the hibiscus family so genetically there is no reason why not. The best site on taking hibiscus cuttings is Can't guarantee it of course but my knowledge of the Doon valley in the North west Himalayas is somewhat limited. Haven't been there for years. Lol.
Personally I would go for it. Try every possible method.
I was told that the simple sweet bay tree was nearly impossible from cutting. Layering was the only way. So I tried cuttings and layering (including air layering) for about 3 years. Nothing. Last summer, when trimming my own bay I jokingly shoved 3 tips into some grit and sand mix. All 3 have taken. So, in view of the family I would certainly think worth trying.
If you need more info join a Tibetan forum. Lol. (Sorry - joke not sarcasm.)
14 Feb, 2009