By Pattiflat
United Kingdom
thankyou bamboo, for replying, i am not really sure on how to reply so i have gone onto your picture whitch took me to your site and then to gardening questions, is the right way
20 Aug, 2011
got it, god i must be getting old, thanks once again
20 Aug, 2011
Don't fret, you're not alone on the age front... I'm wondering how long it'll be before I forget my own name as well as lots of plant names...
20 Aug, 2011
THAT made me chuckle out LOUD! Love it!
20 Aug, 2011
Wow, you found a way to do it - but actually, you can add your response under your original question - just go down past the responses you've got, then click in the box as if you're answering your own question, and type it in there. I'd then have got a notification that something had been added and would have seen your response. Its better to do that because then we/I know what your response refers to.
20 Aug, 2011