By Julier
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
I have an acer palmatum f.astropurpuream which has been in a pot since I bought it last year, having re-potted it into ericacious soil. However this year it looks very sorry for itself, and has put on no new growth. What am I doing wrong?
20 Aug, 2011
Did you feed it Julier? All plants in pots need regular feeding, and careful attention to watering.
22 Aug, 2011
By 'no new growth' do you mean no leaves this year or that it hasn't grown? As you have it in a pot did you protect it from the heavy frosts last winter? Then the usual questions is the pot somewhere wind free, in semi shade and are you watering regularly.
If possible a photo would be useful - you can edit your question and add.
20 Aug, 2011