please help i am looking for an evergreen hedging that grows and spreads quite quickly and to make it even harder i want it to have a scent to it any ideas greatfully accepted
20 Aug, 2011
Never noticed escallonia being scented Julien, and now its finished so I can't go and sample it. shucks.
20 Aug, 2011
Viburnam tinus has a smell not unlike cats pee, it is only the deciduous varieties that have a superb scent. Escalonia tends to suffer from yellowing leaves and a spotting virus and all the growth ends up at the top of the shrub. It also holds on the the dead flowers, making it look shabby. The shrub that forfills all your requirements is Osmanthus x burkwoodii, it is rubust, evergreen and has a mass of white, fragrant flowers in early summer. What more could you want?
21 Aug, 2011
Well mine slowly died. Very disappointing as it wasn't cheap.
21 Aug, 2011
Evergreen hedging, you could opt for an hedge made up of viburnham tinus, given time and the correct pruning this would be ideal has a lovely scent which can be enjoyed from autumn through to spring, needs to be sprayed to avoid shothole[ viburnham beetle], choisyia Aztec pearl could be used, for small hedging hedging purposes, if your wanting to create a boundary then pyracantha would be ideal, evergreen, white flowers, red/orange or yellow berries, lots of thorns, great for keeping people out, scent though is not brilliant, you could also try Escalonia very good for hedging beautifull flowers, go for a red/pink or white one.
20 Aug, 2011