By Jennyh
United Kingdom
Is it to early to put winter pansy's in or should I wait. They are in plug form. If it is to early how best to keep them, until they can go into my pots.
23 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo, I might pot them up for a few weeks first.
When, I put them into the pots that they are eventually intended for, do I put any general fertilizer or any kind of feed, sorry to ask you another question, it's my 1st time with pansy's.
24 Aug, 2011
No, don't feed in autumn or, in fact, past the end of this month. If you're using fresh compost (and you should) there will be a small amount of feed present in that. Grow them on as big as you can get them by potting up as and when they need it - the size of the plant in mid October is the size it will remain until next Spring, it won't grow any bigger this year. Best to remove any flowers which arise in the next 4 weeks as they appear, nip them off - I know its awful, but then the plant puts more energy into leaves and roots. After that you can let them flower away. And if you grow them on under cover or indoors, you will need to harden them off before planting out - best grown on outside anyway really.
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo, for all your help! I am going to pot them up to day. I bought them on Monday for £2.00 for 20 plugs, from I think a good garden center, it's one I had never been to before. I will follow your instructions and hope they will be alright.
Thanks again Bamboo.
24 Aug, 2011
Previous question
If they're small plugs, best grow them on a bit in bigger pots - although if your pots outside (for which the pansies are eventually intended) are empty currently, and you are able to keep them well watered, and the plugs are big enough, you can plant them out now.
23 Aug, 2011