By Andip
United Kingdom
Hi All,
I just bought some cheap shrubs from B&Q as they've got a 3 for 2 offer on at the moment.
However, they're not individually labelled and I don't recognise some of them.
Sure someone here will as they are quite a generic collection.
Any idea's on the one in the top left, bottom centre and bottom right please?
I thought bottom centre was a photonia, but am not 100% certain.
Thanks, Andi

24 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo.
24 Aug, 2011
Bottom left is Hebe 'Greenglobe', top right also looks more like a variegated Hebe than Euonymus, as it has such thin leaves in an upright position like that. As said, Middle bottom is Photinia Robina (a fav of mine) and bottom right Variegated Pieris. I don't know the top right and middle.
24 Aug, 2011
I still think that one's Euonymus, as I said above - they often look like this when you first buy them, spreading out a bit more once you get them home and they're not all crammed together.
24 Aug, 2011
Go with Bamboo ,top right is euonymus and i think a gaultheria hiding out top left corner to make the six.
24 Aug, 2011
24 Aug, 2011
Blimey, well spotted Dgw, I never even noticed the Gaultheria...
25 Aug, 2011
Thanks to all of you - I can work out what to plant where now.
25 Aug, 2011
Previous question
It is a Photinia (red leaves), bottom right looks like a variegated Pieris, top left, hard to tell - I'd have said Euonymus, but the leaves look like they have quite toothed edges. Presumably you already know the one on the right is Euonymus microphyllus (probably aureum) and the one on the left bottom looks like a Hebe, hard to say which one cos I can't see it all.
24 Aug, 2011