By Driad
United Kingdom
I have a mature Lavatoria bush which has finished flowering very early this year ; any suggestions on pruning please ?
27 Aug, 2011
Yes agree with spritzhenry, lost mine last winter to the severe cold weather.
27 Aug, 2011
Thanks Spritz and Julien , I'll try the prune , I always do so with much tepidation ,I must say !
31 Aug, 2011
You don't need to - they'd even grow back from a little stump! I look for the first growth on each branch and saw it off to that.
31 Aug, 2011
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I cut mine half back in the autumn, to avoid wind-rock, then very hard back in early spring. I have Lavatera 'Cynthia Nixon', and she's grown about 10' from the base this year!
27 Aug, 2011