By Gordonrankin
just had garden turfed. although there has been a lot of heavy rain lately 1 corner of the garden is collecting a lot of the rainwater and is very marshy underfoot. there doesnt seem to be anywhere for this to drain away to. i dont know if over time and the rain subsides then this will drain away naturally or if i need to take some action. dont know if peeling back the turf and digging a slightly steeper gradient towards the alley way at the back would help , or putting a lot of chips/stones underneath or even putting a bit of guttering underneath the turf leading towards the alley way would help? any help appreciated, thank u
27 Aug, 2011
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What sort of soil do you have there? Possibly more important, what sort of subsoil is there? If there is sand or loam underneath, you may just need to punch some aeration through the turf to get it draining again--a lot of turf farms are situated on clay soil, because that soil type holds together better in shipping. If your soil is underlain with clay, you will almost certainly need that drainage ditch or drainage pipe to the alley, as long it is lower than the corner of your yard. It is good to think of the neighbors, too. If you will be starting a beck across the yard on the other side of the alley, your neighborhood is liable to sprout a bumper crop of litigation. Otherwise, I would also work on improving the drainage through the turf, with tools like aeration, compost and/or compost tea, and possibly mineral amendments, such as limestone or gypsum. Best of luck!
27 Aug, 2011