By Karensusan63
Lilies. This Double white lily comes up looking beautiful and healthy every year and then this always happens. Is this just bad weather? I don't have any lily beetle up here, but I think I may have to remove this lily. It doesn't happen to any of my other lilies.

28 Aug, 2011
The leaves look generally very healthy, with only small amounts of brown/yellow areas on some of the lower leaves...nothing that looks like a fungus or anything.
28 Aug, 2011
If this one does it every year, I'd dig it up and bin it, frankly - it might just be the weather conditions, because it looks as if its got really wet and then been subjected to cold wind, but that might not be what's happening. It certainly doesn't look like Lily Disease, nor does it look like a virus, which, apart from lily beetle, are things which affect lilies.
28 Aug, 2011
Thank you Bamboo....that is what I was thinking. Of course June and July here were so wet and we always get cool's horrid out there today fact, someone just made a 'joke' at Gleneagles that we have 7 months of bad weather in Scotland...and then the winter sets in....too blinking true!! Thanks!
28 Aug, 2011
Well strangely, here in the South its extremely cool and has been very, very wet the last few days. I had the heating on last night, for goodness' sake...
28 Aug, 2011
I know...bloomin weather eh? It's getting to the stage now where I am longing for the autumn so as not to be so disappointed all the time! Still, at least you have had some summer down there...I fear for the smaller plant outlets here as nobody will be spending much on plants this year....I almost feel like giving up gardening myself!, not at all, only joking! Thanks Bamboo.
28 Aug, 2011
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Odd - the foliage I can see in the picture looks healthy, is it all healthy all over? No signs of wilting or spotting? Or yellow mosaic patterning, or yellow banding?
28 Aug, 2011