north yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i have bug? in garden and is eating small holes in my plants
latest is my mint plants
any ideas ?
28 Aug, 2011
There is a little green caterpillar that specializes in mint. They are often easier to see if you go out at night with a flashlight. That is also a good way to catch slugs and snails in the act, though they usually take bigger bites.
28 Aug, 2011
Photograph would be useful - if the leaves look distorted as well, it could be capsid bug.
29 Aug, 2011
You need to look carefully at each affected plant and see if there are any signs of infestation. It's not a good idea to spray plants you're going to eat with chemicals, after all! If it's any kind of bugs, then try a spray of soft soap diluted down.
It might be our 'friends' the slugs and snails, too.
28 Aug, 2011