By Mikecrosby01
United Kingdom
Can anyone help me please, my twisted hazel is under attack from a small caterpillar and a small bug that looks like a blister on the branches, I have cut a few branches off as they were smothered in them, can any advise on what they are called and how to get rid of both please, Mike

29 Aug, 2011
It looks as though you have Hazel scale, its a scale insect which are tough to remove, best to spray with provado bugclear, although scale insect can be difficult to rid even with spraying, but by spraying aprox four times a year you should keep the scale away the plant.
29 Aug, 2011
definitely scale insect. if there is only a few as in the picture then you can wipe them off with cotton wool soaked in meths. If there are lots then you need to sray with a systemic insecticide.
29 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Is that just a Shield bug like I get on my Bay tree ? Nothing to worry about.
29 Aug, 2011