By Hernie
United Kingdom
how do i design a low maintenence border
29 Aug, 2011
Hernie, we need more information before we can advise you. Could you tell us about your soil - is it acid or alkaline, dry or damp - the aspect (which direction it faces) the width and length, and what kind of plants you'd like in it - shrubs, perennials, evergreens or a mixture?
29 Aug, 2011
Snap, MG! :-)
29 Aug, 2011
Probably best to use grasses and shrubs. Maybe Potentilla, they flower for months and don't need pruning. Include grasses for movement, 'low maintenance' can so often mean boring and solid. Grasses add movement.
30 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Lots of Q's before any of us can answer. Where are you in the UK? Which way does the border face, soil conditions, wet dry, full sunny, semi shade, shady? Most importantly what sort of plants do you like. I could give you a list of heathers which are low maintenance but if you don't like heathers...
29 Aug, 2011