By Sue_mason77
United Kingdom
my 30 year old horse chestnut has got bleeding canker - name not swearing, I have chopped off offending limb, but it is still oozing, is the tree saveable or is it terminal. it is about 25 feet tall, offending limb was about 4ft off ground - no photo yet.
30 Aug, 2011
In some places the trees are being removed in the hope of creating a barren ground to stop the spread.
Out of consideration for others with horse chestnut trees I'd say have it down as soon as possible.
30 Aug, 2011
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councils all over England are sending out teams to remove these when they have Bleeding Canker - we've just had one removed here and another one is marked for next year, sadly. Bleeding Canker does kill them, unfortunately, so I'd get it removed in the next few months.
30 Aug, 2011