By Jaydee
United Kingdom
I am about to have a double brick wall 1 meter high built around my front garden. I would like to plant a hedge close to this new brick wall, but I have been warned that some hedge root systems could damage the wall's foundation which could lead to serious damage to the wall.
This being the case what type of hedge would be suitable to plant next to my garden wall which would not damage the wall. I would like a flowering evergreen which eventually would be approximately 1.5 - 2.0 meters high.
Have you any suggestions ?
Thank you & regards,
30 Aug, 2011
Make sure you have decent soil, not poor subsoil, a few sugestions now, Beberris darwinnii, yellow flowers in the spring very small holly like foliage, Escallonia [white flower] variety lovely smallish glossy leaves, Pyracantha, small green leaves, masses of white flowers in the spring with red/yellow/orange berries depending on the variety, common name firethorn you wont have anyone climbing over this hedge, trim to form a good compact hedge in the early years, have used the above with good effect over the years.
30 Aug, 2011
Plan the height of the hedge, and plant the bushes no closer than 1/4 of the planned height. For example, a four foot tall hedge should be no closer than a foot from the wall--and a few inches more would give you some leeway!
30 Aug, 2011
If your are going to plant hedge next to a new wall you could make the footings (foundation) deeper & stronger which mite help rejuice the damage from the roots
31 Aug, 2011
Looking at Julien's list of plants above, I'd go for the Berberis darwinii - it won't get more than 7 or 8 feet tops, which is exactly the height you want, is evergreen and has very attractive orange flowers in Spring. It does have prickly leaves, but not large thorns as in Pyracantha.
31 Aug, 2011
I would suggest the reverse that a hedge planted near to a new walls is going to have problems!
30 Aug, 2011