By Greenfreak
United Kingdom
Ive noticed that some privet hedges are really close knit and 'sharp' - how do you get them like that. Is it a certain variety or is it the cutting ?
30 Aug, 2011
Keeping them a little smaller at the top than at the base will keep them full to the base. Feeding them occasionally helps, too, though they don't need much. Good compost plus a little blood or fish meal, in spring, would probably work best.
30 Aug, 2011
Thank you both - feeding and cutting it is then.
I have to say it won't be a chore with my new cordless hedgecutters - its like the texas chainsaw massacre at the moment - I love it, I can see why the male fraternity love their power tools !
5 Sep, 2011
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« Hi, I recently posted some photos of a climber with berries, I'm not sure if...
It's the cutting - frequently!
30 Aug, 2011