By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have some allium globemaster bulbs in pots can I leave them out through winter?thankyou.
31 Aug, 2011
The idea is to not let the soil freeze solid.
31 Aug, 2011
would it be a good idea to just bring them indoors anyway?
1 Sep, 2011
I think they would be better in the ground,Kate,if possible.
I put some in pots,but lost them last year,but the ones in the garden were fine..
1 Sep, 2011
As Bloomer has said, put them in the ground. They will be more protected from frost and Alliums do not do well in pots at all.
1 Sep, 2011
Damn they are already in pots..can I carefully take them out and move them into the ground or not now?
1 Sep, 2011
Fine to move them this time of year. They will flower in a pot but will be smaller, thinner and will not last long. In the ground is by far the best for them, especially over winter.
1 Sep, 2011
it would depend on how bad a winter we get. if the pots can be placed somewhere sheltered then they should be ok.
31 Aug, 2011