United Kingdom
I have a border around grass (about 50cm width) with paths on the other side. What can I plant in them that needs little maintenance and will be there all year round?
1 Sep, 2011
That's great. Thanks for your help. I'll check it out!
1 Sep, 2011
You're welcome. Just type 'Hebe Society' into google, and you'll find it. :-)
1 Sep, 2011
And I have my hebes underplanted with low growing perennial hardy geraniums such as macrorrhizum Biokovo and Cambridge ( I think thats their names ) which are evergreen so that bed requires zero maintenance because the geraniums keep the weeds down too.
1 Sep, 2011
All of the following are low growing,evergreen and flower for 3 weeks or more
Dwarf campanula , dianthus, thymes,ajuga ,some sedums .
1 Sep, 2011
Lavender would be there all year round, but especially attractive when flowering in summer. It just needs a trim after flowering.
1 Sep, 2011
Yes I agree again . Lavender would also be a good choice but just make sure you go for one with a nice compact habit. Some can become very big and very untidy. Munstead is one of my favourites
2 Sep, 2011
Thank you so much everyone. I am a novice gardener and a busy working mum with a fairly big garden....learning as I go along.
7 Sep, 2011
Previous question
« tomato plants got a lot of foliage but not many fruits why ?
Dwarf Hebes - they're evergreen and flower in the summer. Make sure you check the name on the Hebe Society website for hardiness, though. The information on the plant labels can be misleading.
Heucheras would also look good, but you need to check each one to see if it prefers full sun or part shade. They're all different.
1 Sep, 2011