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Somerset, United Kingdom

Does anyone have any idea what this shrub is? I don't remember planting it. I has lovely reddish leaves. It has not had any flowers on it. If you think you can see one it's a pink Japanese anenome, which goes very well with the red leaves.



Weigela Victoria?

4 Sep, 2011


It's a possibility. Thanks. I will await further developments.

5 Sep, 2011


Alternate leaves, unlike a Weigela. The foliage almost looks like a Spiraea of some kind.

6 Sep, 2011


Yes, I know what you mean. Do you get red leaved spirea? I had a quick google and couldn't see any. The strange thing is, I don't know how it got there. I'm leaving it though as it's a nice looking shrub.

6 Sep, 2011


Maybe Spiraea x bumalda 'Froebelii', or a seedling thereof?

7 Sep, 2011


I'll get some books out and have a look. Maybe it will flower next year and give me more idea. Thanks.

7 Sep, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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