By Cannizaro
United Kingdom
Can someone tell me the name of a plant I have growing in my garden? The best description I can give is....the leaf is green, like a large-ish 4-leaf clover but the centre of the leaf is dark - possibly brown. It has grown red flowers. The growing habit is hardy. I think it spreads by seed too but not sure about this. Any idea, anyone??
4 Sep, 2011
I agree with the above, I have a few in my garden.
They grow from bulbs, grow in any location, great for filling in gaps and long flowering.
4 Sep, 2011
That's the plant! I couldn't think of the word 'shamrock' so used '4-leaf clover' shape instead! I can rely on you guys to always help me out, can't I? I haven't posted any updated photos for a long while so will do that in the near future. Sorted the lawn out with the Green Thumb company, and it's looking healthy and lush now. I've also planted a silver birch - was about a foot high but now approx 5ft. My garden, although big, didn't have a tree except for a camelia which is up near the bungalow. I have a family of tree sparrows in it this year but I wanted something else to attract more birds, hence the birch. I've also just purchased a magnolia 'Susan' (which is my name!). It's in a large container at the moment and want to see how it likes that, or not, but it's doing okay there for now. I'll decide next year where it finally goes. Sad though it is I've just spent the last weekend getting the garden ready for winter, but it makes life easier come the spring doesn't it? Despite clearing beds of old and past-it plants, there is still lots of colour about. Million Bells are still looking good in their hanging baskets and containers - just a lovely, showy plant and no bother at all. Namesia, one of my favourite plants, is still doing okay and I managed to keep one through last winter - outside! One thing about the winter is that I can save up my plant-spending money, ready for 2012!
5 Sep, 2011
Cannizaro, You are lucky having a Green thumb near you. We had them in Stafford and they were great.I really miss them here. Anybody in West Wales looking for a franchise?
5 Sep, 2011
It sounds like Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross' to me. Lovely plant - not invasive.
4 Sep, 2011