By Sandieo
United Kingdom
Is anybody able to tell me what this plant is? We did not plant it and we think it flowered early June when we were away. Would be most grateful for any help. Thank you

6 Sep, 2011
looks like caper spurge. it is an annual and in the centre of each leafy green bract there are seeds like nasturium seeds or capers. they will fall to the ground and you will have more next year. or dig plant up know and avoid the seeds :o)
6 Sep, 2011
snap beattie
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
I regard it as a weed. Once those seeds start popping (you'll hear them go) they'll germinate around, I dig them up all the time but still they appear.
6 Sep, 2011
Thank you all so much for your help.
6 Sep, 2011
Just take a little care if disposing of it. It has a milky sap that can cause eye problems.
7 Sep, 2011
I met a man selling these as mole repellants £1 a pot
7 Sep, 2011
and it doesnt work!
8 Sep, 2011
Never bought one but toilet blocks do work
8 Sep, 2011
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Caper spurge - Euphorbia lathyris. It's obviously having a good year, you're not by any means the only person to have this springing up in their garden.
6 Sep, 2011