i have a plant with a long stalk, red waxy heart shaped leaves with a yellow head/tounge, what is it called & how do i care for it?
By Iyene
United Kingdom
I have an indoor plant which is popular in offices which was given as a present. It has a long stem with waxy red heart shaped leaves with a yellow head/tongue. The leaves have started to go brown. What am I doing wrong & what is the neame of the plant please?
26 Feb, 2009
Yes, this sounds as if you are describing Anthurium.
My favourite name for this plant is 'Little Boys Willies' for obvious reasons. LOL.
26 Feb, 2009
you naughty boy, but I do agree
26 Feb, 2009
hi there check this out?
The Plant: Anthuriums - Flamingo Flowers, because of the flower colour - have few dark-green heart-shaped leaves, and a similarly heart-shaped pink/red flower bract, with paler, (even cream), appendage! (Spadix). Anthuriums grow predominantly in wet forest conditions - well shaded.
Its needs: Shade or gloom. Well-draining but rich potting compost. Enjoys warmth and humidity - Just like home.
Care: Water sparingly, and feed only twice per year. Mist-spray to maintain humidity. Avoid cold. Cut back straggly leaf-stems. Watch for red spider, mealy bug, scale pest.
Good for: Brightening a dark corner. Larger species popular for flower-arranging.
26 Feb, 2009