By Jomullett
United Kingdom
I have two ballerina type apple trees which I planted in my garden two years ago. When we bought them each had a few fruit on and last year they both had more fruit on than the first year. This year though,there were no blossoms and therefore no fruit on either tree. Both trees seem healthy and have made good growth this year.
Any ideas why we had no blossom or fruit? Thanks.
9 Sep, 2011
I live on the coast so maybe I'll give the seaweed mulch a try,thanks for your help.
9 Sep, 2011
Make sure you wash the salt out before you spread it - leaving it out in the rain for a few days should work (but picking it up afterwards is a sticky and somewhat smelly job!)
9 Sep, 2011
There can be many reasons why you had no fruit this year. It could be late frosts, bullfinches, or some varieties are bienniel croppers. This means that in alternate years you will have hardly any apples. Try a high potash feed in late summer to encourage formation of fruiting buds for next spring.
11 Sep, 2011
Newly planted fruit trees and bushes shouldn't be allowed to fruit in the first year so that their strength can all go into making a good root system. They seem to have been doing that this year instead, so it would be surprising if they don't flower next spring. Give them a good mulch to help them along. You don't say where you live, but I was advised to use a seaweed mulch. Well rotted compost would be great.
9 Sep, 2011