cuttings off an apple tree
By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
how can i take cuttings off an apple tree with out grafting
9 Sep, 2011
sorry i have tried to clarify cheers
9 Sep, 2011
Wellyou can try hardwood cuttings now - but apple trees are grafted onto vigorous root stocks - if your cutting takes, it may not grow very well on its own roots.
9 Sep, 2011
9 Sep, 2011
or it may grow into a monster sized tree as it should have been grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock :o)
9 Sep, 2011
My info is that apples reproduce better by stooling or layering than by cuttings. Note that in some parts of the world, apples need to be on a disease resistant rootstock.
10 Sep, 2011
Previous question
« I've got a clematis 'Ville de Lyons' which was accidentally chopped earlier...
I don't quite know how to answer this - taking cuttings and growing them on IS propagation; can you clarify your question please?
9 Sep, 2011