Can someone give me the instructions for use of "Liquid Derris plus" for spraying catterpillars on cabbage as the instructions have faded from my bottle
10 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bamboo
10 Sep, 2011
Where did you buy your Derris, I have searched for it and have been told it's banned by EU regulations!
10 Sep, 2011
Yes, its been withdrawn - which is why I expressed the hope the instructions would still be on line... If the instructions are faded, I'd imagine Elevenplusone's bottle is old.
10 Sep, 2011
Bamboo, fountain of all knowledge. Pray tell me is rotenone the same as derris?
10 Sep, 2011
Yes it is an old bottle with instructions faded. Itone is the same product as roten
10 Sep, 2011
You'll be pleased to hear, Grannyb, that I've never heard of Rotenone...
11 Sep, 2011
They'll have the instructions on line - google liquid Derris and select from the options available, hopefully its still there.
10 Sep, 2011