By James1964
United Kingdom
I'm new to home grown veg but last year and this year grew potatoes on pods. I have noticed that I boil my newly harvested potatoes they break up in the pan. What can I do to avoid this happening?
Thanks, James
13 Sep, 2011
Didn't you ask this yesterday? I answered an identical question then with a pretty similar answer anyway.
13 Sep, 2011
This is James 1964's only question so far Stera. Must have been someone else with the same problem.
13 Sep, 2011
Found it! Tony-something-or-other asked
13 Sep, 2011
My freshly dug* potatoes cook faster than shop bought potatoes. Not just boiling, they roast quicker as well. I do not peel potatoes maybe that is why mine don't mush. I also think 10 mins is all it takes.
*Tipped up Hessian grow sack.
14 Sep, 2011
You can also solve the problem by steaming rather than boiling your potatoes. Flowery potatoes will always need watching like a hawk when cooking as they can go to mush in no time try growing waxy ones instead.
14 Sep, 2011
Boil them a lot more gently, tipping away almost all of the water when they're about half cooked and letting them finish cooking in the residual heat from the remaining water & steam. Or just steam them in a steamer. Next year you could choose to grow "waxy" potatoes instead of the "floury" ones you presumably grew this year.
13 Sep, 2011