By Anitatopp
United Kingdom
would it harm my very over wide beech hedge to cut it back now in September?
14 Sep, 2011
August is the best time to prune it back into shape, it also helps the Beech to retain the browning leaves.
If very overgrown, then wait till around February as it will have been dormant for a few months and causes it less stress when pruning it back. Waiting will pay you back with a healthier hedge next year.
14 Sep, 2011
Yep, we do ours in August, this gives the hedge time to grow a few more leaves after its pruning before the cold weather sets in and this ensures good leaf coverage for Winter.
14 Sep, 2011
Thanks all, I have trimmed it and will give it a good prune in Februaryx
15 Sep, 2011
You're welcome Anita.
15 Sep, 2011
July-August is best. The risk is the weather, I would now wait.
14 Sep, 2011