By Andreaturner
United Kingdom
i have a mature rowan tree which started the year robust and healthy but which entered autumn in about July and has now lost all its leaves, berries were few and quite yellow. Lots ofg rowan trees in this general area all of which are leafy and full of berries. Does anyone have any thoughts on what's wrong with this one?
14 Sep, 2011
when you say mature how mature? they are not very long lived [50 or so years so I have read]. perhaps it is suffering from stress after the last 2 winters. Are there any toadstools around the trunk? scrape a small section of bark off, is it still green [alive] or brown [dead] or does it have a white fungal layer [fungal infection - similar to white mould on cheese].
my young rowan has not been happy this year. so I a hoping for a better winter for it.
14 Sep, 2011
Seaburn, does it take young rowans a few years to establish? I have 3 which I planted 2/3 years ago and they've not grown much - like you say though, tne last two winters have not been kind
14 Sep, 2011
I cant remember as I grew mine in a pot for 5 yrs to keep it small. Then when we moved here I put it in the garden.
18 Sep, 2011
Thanks Seaburn. Think mine haven't done too well due to 2 hard winters and no rain.
18 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Could it be lack of water? Don't know where you are but its certainly been an exceptionally dry Winter, Spring and Summer here. I'm sure someone on here will be able to help.
14 Sep, 2011