By Anns
United Kingdom
I have two bleuberry bushes that I am ashamed to say I have neglected to prune. As a consequence they are not verging on out of control. They have finished fruiting for this year and I was wondering if anybody knows how far back I can cut them without killing them. I realise I might ruin the harvest for next year.
17 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Blueberries produce fruit on branches that grew last year - so the new branches this year will be the fruit producing branches next year. You have to avoid pruning these by mistake.
November is the earliest time to start pruning Blueberry bushes. You do not hard prune - only tidy the plant up, removing the brown twiggy branches and anything dead looking. They are not like Raspberry where you cut them down to a few inches. If you think of them being a bush (they are quite attractive as a stand alone bush) then that will help when pruning them.
17 Sep, 2011