By Ronb
United Kingdom
I have a laburnum tree (W. Vossii), planted 5 years ago that, in its first year, had a few flowers but since then nothing. In the last 2 years it has lost its leaves prematurely and this year it is already naked. It's about 8 ft tall. The soil is loamy and well drained. It is in a sunny position. Why no flowers and early leaf loss?
17 Sep, 2011
It sounds stressed for some reason. That could be the dry spring we had this year - the RHS has said that premature leaf colouring and loss is due to that. Why it hasn't flowered, I'm afraid I don't know.
I think you should check to see if your tree is still alive, though - try breaking a twig to see if it snaps or just bends, and do the scratch test on a branch - if under the bark the wood is brown, it may be dead. The wood should be green. Good luck.
17 Sep, 2011