Propagating poppiesHello all
By Faye449
United Kingdom
Propagating poppies
Hello all, I planted some giant poppies about 5 years ago, they are so stunning and reliable I now wonder if it's possible I could collect some seeds and have more but never having attempted to do this before could you tell me how I go about it? Thank you

18 Sep, 2011
The poppies I grow. I just wait until the seedhead goes brown and then before the seeds spill out, just knock int an envelope or hand or cut it off carefully and shake them out in to an envelope.
They seem to grow ever so easily, and need next to nothing care.
Moongrower will be more knowledgable as it may differ on different poppies.
18 Sep, 2011
They rarely come true from seed, but I have never seen an ugly poppy.
18 Sep, 2011
Meconopsis always come true from seed if the seed is fertile.
18 Sep, 2011
MY big orange ones (see my photos) self seed and pop up where they feel like it.
18 Sep, 2011
Hopefully the photos will help, I wish they did seed themselves Steragram but they don't!
22 Sep, 2011
About 3 years ago, I decided to have a go, propagating these from seed, the ones I have are identical to the images at the top of this page. I collected seed over winter, then in February of the next year, I filled a large open tray with general purpose compost and sprinkled the seed on top. After searching the net, I found out that these seeds need light to germinate so you leave uncovered and after what seemed like ages, small shoots started to appear. Throughout the year I discovered that I had sprinkled a bit too much seed as the tray went mad and I had well over 150 plants, which I planted out and also gave away. It's the most productive episode I've had in my garden.
29 Jun, 2012
Faye which 'poppy' are you referring to Meconopsis or Papavera? If you aren't sure could you and a photo to your question please.
18 Sep, 2011