By Howee74
United Kingdom
ive had Acanthus in for two years and they havent flowered - anybody any ideas what i might be doing wrong?
20 Sep, 2011
They also only flower well in sunshine, although books recommend them for shade. They grow fine on my heavy clay soil (impossible to remove completely as the thick roots that break off in the soil will regrow).
20 Sep, 2011
A. mollis tolerates shade, but the other species need sun.
21 Sep, 2011
Ok thanks, could be any of those reasons then! They dont get much sun and the soil is quite heavy. Not sure which kind they are, will try to find the label....
21 Sep, 2011
Might be the soil conditions - they don't like heavy, poorly drained soil, much prefer very light, free draining conditions.
20 Sep, 2011