By Gaia01
Midlothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom
In the spring I split my purple heuchera and got three lovely plants that have grown well. Can I cut them down to encourage new leaves as some of them are quite tatty looking? And if I can, when?
21 Sep, 2011
I wouldn't give fertilizer at this time as this would encourage new growth that could be more vulnerable to very cold weather.
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks. Think I'll just tidy them as you say cos they will add a bit if colour over the winter and cut them back a bit in the spring as a bit of an experiment as I just usually leave them but I do prefer the colour of the younger leaves.
22 Sep, 2011
Previous question
I would just give them a tidy up and as they are evergreen in most winters and then see how they fair over winter, tidy and feed in the spring. You could give them some slow release fertilser now just to gove them a little boost if you haven't already.
21 Sep, 2011