By Charlesm
United Kingdom
Hi I have just moved a monkey tree from a house in the country to my house Front garden. i dug a good hole,put compost in hole watered it and then planted tree quite firmly,the ground is good but stoney and the tree has like a white ish growth or fungi on its stem.
Have i done as i should in planting?How often to water? and what can i treat stem with please? Thankyou
22 Sep, 2011
Ordinarily it would be the right time to move and plant one. This year has not been that ordinary. A photo would be useful regarding the fungus and size. Keep watering .
22 Sep, 2011
I can't help with the fungus problem I'm afraid, but if you mean a monkey puzzle tree, then I hope you have a very large front garden. They have really invasive roots, and have been known to damage house foundations. Expert opinion is that you need to plant it at least 40 feet from the house.
22 Sep, 2011