By Gattina
Has anyone tried pheromone traps to prevent codling moths among apple trees? I have not yet heard any positive views about them, and last year had to use a very complex and highly toxic spray solution instead (very effectively, I might say, but please don't ask me what it contained, my Italian just ain't that good yet). I'm not keen on toxic sprays, and would welcome any comments or suggestions
22 Sep, 2011
I've used the pheremone traps here extensively. As Drc says, brilliant results. You do have to make sure to empty them frequently as the stench of the rotting evidence will override the pheremone scent.
23 Sep, 2011
Thank you so much, Bamboo and Lilcrawford. Perfect information. I'll give them a try.
23 Sep, 2011
Erm, Lilcrawford, it was Bamboo, not Drc...
23 Sep, 2011
I'm sorry Bamboo!!!!!! Think I muddled it up with another post I had replied to where it was Drc.
Can you forgive me.......please??
23 Sep, 2011
Don't be daft, of course - but it might have been because Drc has a pink flower avatar...
23 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Yes - some years ago, a client of mine had a problem with codling moth and we used pheremone traps every year - worked brilliantly, no further treatment necessary. But, it was a single apple tree, standing alone, and I think where you have lots of apple trees, they're probably not so effective. I'd still buy one for each tree though, and if nothing else, you know when you need to spray because the pheremone trap provides evidence.
23 Sep, 2011