By Ninap
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could possible advise me on how to go about pollarding my self-seeded Mulberry tree? I wouldn't normally worry, but it inconveniently seeded itself directly beneath a telephone cable, and it is not that far off touching it now. If I do not do something this winter, it will definitely knock into it by next summer. The tree is about 3 years old. I have looked on the internet and although read quite a few articles re pollarding, I am still a little unsure as where to begin, and how to do it! Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks, Nina.

23 Sep, 2011
Thanks for your reply Pimpernel ... would I cut towards the top and take just a little off, or cut further down the branch towards the main trunk? Nina
24 Sep, 2011
Nina, Mulberry trees do not like being pruned and bleed lots so pollarding them is definitely not an option. They grow to between 15-20 ft if that means that it will hit your phone wire then I would take off the branch near the trunk..
The other thing would be to transplant the whole tree. I don't know if they respond well to being moved, but at just 3years old it should be possible......I think?
24 Sep, 2011
Thanks Pimpernel ... I will remove the necessary branches rather than transplant the tree ... the ground here is incredibly rocky and it would be difficult to dig a big enough hole - I like it where it is anyway! I would rather move the phone cable! Thanks again for your input. Nina
24 Sep, 2011
It self seeded beautifully. Leave it alone, or just take out the branches that may affect the line.
23 Sep, 2011