By Margin
United States
found 15 tulip shaped soft tubers laying above ground in a pile, they have a purplish skin that rubs off easily, a layer of gooey sap, an inner green layer and two white layers, the middle layer being very mushy and gelatin like. Sort of stinky, they are plum shaped and soft like a fruit with small roots at the base. Can you identify what I've found?
25 Sep, 2011
Could they be truffles?? This was my first thought!
25 Sep, 2011
From the pictures I've seen, most truffle species look something like wrinkled potatoes, or freeform ginger root. I agree that a phot would have helped, but from the description, they sound like amaryllis family bulbs--maybe Lycoris?--not in the best of health.
26 Sep, 2011
Previous question
A photo would have helped, but they sound like some sort of fungus.
25 Sep, 2011