By Oxo
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
what is the best time to move frut bushes, red curant black curant, goosbury etc
26 Sep, 2011
thats for this, gives me somthing to do this next weekend. i am moving them in to a pach with more sun, the pach has just given me a big crop of potatos grown from the compost made up of waste foods, grass cutting and potato peelings and tea bags and anything i could throw in to the bin
26 Sep, 2011
Oxo where are you in the UK, for many parts it is too early to be moving any fruit bush needs to wait until the leaves have fallen and the sap dropped down into the roots. Either that or late February, early March time. Make sure you get a good root ball and prune the currants and gooseberry bushes back.
26 Sep, 2011
im in south yorkshire, come late to gardening so you could say im a bit green
thanks for your help, just did not want to kill them off, its their first year in and we had some very nice fruit from them, plus the potatoes which came from the peelings, what a surprise
26 Sep, 2011
Oxo if in doubt wait until early spring. Read this link.
Very straight forward advice.
26 Sep, 2011
Oxo if it is at all possible you do not want to be moving your fruit bushes after just one year - it is going to stress them and you will need to prune well back so losing a lot of the fruiting wood.
26 Sep, 2011
It is better if you are going to move them to do it when they are young as they have a smaller root ball. Also currants are planted between October and March. Any pruning s can be turned into free plants, as now is the time for hardwood cuttings.
Move them now or in February, they will still produce less fruit for the coming year either way due to disturbance.
26 Sep, 2011
i did not think there was so much to know about gardening, should have started a long time ago, think i will go back to just grass,not much can go wrong there,,,, O yes there is,
thank you all, i have had a good day learning from you
26 Sep, 2011
Oxo - stick with it... you'll learn by your own experience and by asking Q's on GoY!
26 Sep, 2011
I would say now or early spring would be best. Prepare the new planting site first.
26 Sep, 2011