Cat Shoo
By B_lourenco
Norfolk ,
United Kingdom
Can anybody advice about how to repel cats? I do love cats, and I have one living with my sister in Brazil, but here the cats of my neighbouhood seem just have chosen my front garden as a toilet. I have tried the pounder and now the machine that makes a noise, it worked at the first weeks but now the cats are back making mess in my flowers. Then I found this Cat Shoo in nurseries but I doubt it really works. Any advice? Thanks, Bruno
5 Mar, 2009
I find that the B&Q 'Animal Repellent' spray seems to help.
I wish it worked on badgers too!
6 Mar, 2009
I think anything chemical is a little short term. I'm not sure of your front garden design but have you considered putting a decorative mulch around your plants. If you used something such as slate chippings or relatively large pebbles, the cats would find the place less attractive than your neighbours!
6 Mar, 2009
I highly recommend a product called Scoot that I use on my veggie patch - it is harmless and organic but I've found it very effective. It comes in a small box and is a powder and you mix it with water and water it on, but you do have to use it on 'clean' soil or grass - so I'm afraid you'll have to clear away all the mess before you use it. Take my advice and don't do what I did the first time and sniff it - I was spitting out foul, bitter tasting yuk for hours - it really 'got up my nose'!
7 Mar, 2009
Also, cats like patches of bare loose soil. So keep your garden well stocked with plants. If you find young plants are getting damaged by the cats, push twigs into the soil around the plants.
7 Mar, 2009
juliano asked a similar question yesterday or the day before. generated a few ideas. i have not found cat shoo helpful at all. they even pooped on that after they had dug it up. contempt or what? :o(
5 Mar, 2009