Can I ask for advise for a plant for shaded area by my front door
By Rubysmum
United Kingdom
Can I ask for advice for a plant for shaded area by my front door. One patch either side of the door, each approx 3' x 2, the front of the house overhangs the front door making it very shaded and it is west facing. Would like something evergreen and was looking at Vinca major 'Variegata' (Variegated greater periwinkle). However conflicting information on the internet as to wheather this grows well in shade ?
27 Sep, 2011
Sarcococca varieties are another option - some only make 2 x 2, evergreen, fragrant flowers in winter. Only thing that occurs to me is those areas may also be in what's known as a 'rain shadow' area - the overhang of the house which causes the shade probably also excludes rain, so you may need to water anything you plant there.
27 Sep, 2011
Why not try some evergreen ferns perhaps Polypodium vulgare or Asplenium nidus.Use one of these in the centre of each garden then perhaps some small bedding around them for colour in summer or Heuchera Redspangles only about 3'' high is evergreen and always looks nice with its small verigated leaves and pink flowers.
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks for all the ideas I will have a good look at all the suggestions in the morning.
I am looking for maybe some ground cover plants for the whole area and have Bergenia in my back garden so that is one idea, very pretty plant. Or something higher towards the back and something lower at the front.
Thanks all, keep the ideas coming :o)
27 Sep, 2011
I can't endorse enough what Spritz says about thugs - vinca being one of the greatest. I have spent a week tearing out vast swathes of the stuff, and have only had to give it a rest because my hands are so blistered. It has invaded the lawn, too. Please cross this one off your list of possibles.
28 Sep, 2011
Yes, I'd agree with the comments re Vinca - I hate the blasted stuff, it's been the bane of my life along with a couple of other invasive plants over the years in other people's gardens. Choose Campanula muralis (now called C. portenschlagiana) instead, very neat grower, evergreen, purple bells.
28 Sep, 2011
You have had lots of good ideas offered to you and all i am going to say, as others have , is stay away from Vinca. I have it too from the previous owners of the house and it is a menace. There are so many better choices out there.
28 Sep, 2011
It does, but beware of thugs! Once you have it, it goes everywhere and it's hard to get rid of it. Do I gather that you want a spreading type of plant on its own at each side?
Some suggestions for alternative plants for this kind of area -
Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'
Skimmia japonica underplanted with hardy geraniums, e.g. G. macrorhizum, or Ajuga,
Geranium phaeum or G. nodosum,
Waldsteinia ternata.
I hope this helps.
27 Sep, 2011