By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I want to move an Escallonia as its getting too big for its spot in the garden. Is it too late now and should I wait until Spring? Iwant to plant a Hebe in its place is it the wrong time of year or am I ok ?
28 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bamboo I have not yet bought the Hebe Is there any variety that could be planted now?
28 Sep, 2011
Normally I'd say yes and mention a couple - and in fact, I still could, but it probably wouldn't be one you'd want - Hebe ochracea. What's making me be more cautious than in previous years is the forecast for this winter - apparently, if we thought last year was bad, we're in for a shock this year... and taking into account where you live, might be better to err on the side of caution. Even some well established Hebes bit the bullet last year.
28 Sep, 2011
No, fine to do it now - September October are the best times to move things around, although a lot of Hebes are not fully hardy, so perhaps best plant that in the Spring, depending on the variety.
28 Sep, 2011