Fast Growing Plants
By Stefmeister
United Kingdom
I am looking for plants or veg that I can plant now from seed, and will reach full growth by spring.
I am fascinated by growing plants from seeds however I am a student and I'm planning on leaving the current house I am living in by June.
That's why I need something that grows fast, through the winter, and is ready by spring. Or even something that's ready by winter.
30 Sep, 2011
Depending where you live in the country you could try broad beans, winter peas and onion sets. But this will not work if you live in the north. You may be able to find spring cabbage seedlings for sale in your local nursery. Other than that there is not a lot you can grow as Bamboo says the seeds need light to germinate and don't get enough at this time of year.
30 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Don't know about winter veg, but seeds and plants don't grow over winter, really, light levels are too low, daylight times are short and temperature has an effect too.
30 Sep, 2011