By Silverbirch9
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Something is nibbling at my Weigela shrub... any ideas and what shall I do, please ??
On plant
Florida Variegata Weigela
2 Oct, 2011
Hi Bamboo. It is in the ground and holes are inside the leaves and are medium size. No slime trails. Hope that helps !
3 Oct, 2011
Were the holed areas brown before they became holes? Could just be slug/snail damage, or capsid if the leaves look distorted as well. Check all stems and backs of leaves for signs of any infestation or disease.
3 Oct, 2011
I have just had a closer inspection and yes, there are brown spots. Cannot see any signs of infestation.
3 Oct, 2011
Might just have Leaf Spot - frankly, I wouldn't worry too much now, the leaves are all about to fall anyway. See how it does next year, but suggest you clear away all fallen leaves from beneath the plant in case the leaf spot is fungal
3 Oct, 2011
Thanks for your advice Bamboo. I only planted it this Spring so hopefully next year it will survive. :)
4 Oct, 2011
Previous question
IN a pot or in the ground? What kind of nibbling, semi circles at the edges, holes inside the leaves, small holes, large holes, ragged holes? Any slime trails?
2 Oct, 2011