By Kathytoby
United Kingdom
I am going to plant broad beans over the winter. I have never done this before and wondered what type of fertiliser they would need. Th ground would need something in it as it has been used over the summer for other veg. Could you please advise.
Thank you
Kathy Forbear
3 Oct, 2011
Hi Moone growe
Thanks for your reply. I live in Cambridgeshire so I think that the beans should be ok. This year i will have to buy
some good compost as I am quite new to this and only started my compost this spring. Does anyone know the best place to buy good quality organic compost from.
3 Oct, 2011
Go and check our your GC they 'should' have organic compost. Cambridgeshire is a clay soil and very wet in winter. You might be better starting off you broad beans in paper containers in February next year. Then planting out in March/April.
3 Oct, 2011
Thank you very much for your reply. Very helpful advice
4 Oct, 2011
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Hi Kathy
Dig in lots of organic matter compost, soil improver, composted bark all work well. You can dig in well rotted horse manure but I wouldn't recommend it unless you can guarantee the feed the horses ate was not sprayed with the persistent herbicide Koblan (? spelling) that passes through the horses digestive system untouched and affects the growth of vegetables. You don't say where you live in the UK but if it is in the north of England or Scotland you may find that sowing your broad beans in autumn is a waste of time. We gave up years ago as the cold,wet winters mean that the beans do not germinate well.
3 Oct, 2011