Sweet Peas
By Weston
United Kingdom
can I plant Sweet Pea seeds straight into the ground?
9 Mar, 2009
hi~ some of the plants that i left in the ground threw their seed about and they have germinated now. they seem to be coping with the cold. so hopefully pretty flowers in the summer.
9 Mar, 2009
If you suffer from slugs/snails, make sure you protect the new shoots - they are tasty morsels for molluscs!
9 Mar, 2009
Thank you for your replies, am very grateful
14 Apr, 2009
Yes you can if ground is warm enough. Alternatively, grow indoors in pots (quite deep pots for roots) and plant out when frosts finished. Probabl best to chip a little of the outer shell of seed or soak overnight before sowing!
9 Mar, 2009