By Gattina
Quince tree: has anyone out there got any advice on how to prune it? I have just picked the last of our quinces, and the tree is looking untidy and a little straggly, but when should I tidy it up? Should it be treated the same as apple & pear trees? I'm very happy with the current height (about 8'), it's on dwarf stock, so should I just tidy up the tatty bits? I should like it to thicken up a little so it presents a nice shape as well as fruit. It must be about 4-5 years old now.
5 Oct, 2011
Oh Bamboo, thank you. I particularly like the gnarly bit. Looking forward to that. Yes, it is a Cydonia - sorry, I forgot to be specific. I haven't worked it out yet - do they fruit on old wood or new or both? I'd really like to do away with the lower branches altogether, as we have deer &/ porcupine attention up to a certain height, and while it doesn't damage the tree itself much, we'd like to hold onto the fruit!
5 Oct, 2011
I've no idea, frankly, whether they flower on old or new wood - but either way, if you want to remove the lower branches, I can't see any reason why you shouldn't - there'll be other branches further up that should still flower and fruit.
5 Oct, 2011
Thank you! :-)))))
5 Oct, 2011
I'm assuming its a Cydonia then, if its forming a tree - recommended pruning for this in my book says prune in winter, when the tree is dormant - remove any crossing, dead or diseased shoots. They are crooked growers, often making gnarly shapes.
5 Oct, 2011